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Consafe Logistics Sp. z o.o .

Adress: ul. Żwirki i Wigury 16a, Business Garden02-092 Warsaw, Poland
Address USA:
Number of Properties: -
Total warehouse area (sq.m): -

About Us

The biggest challenges in the 3PL market today are an unlimited number of customers, processes and value-added services within one warehouse. Therefore, the key is the ability to quickly add new customers and reduce the costs of warehouse operations.

Contact Me

1. Name of 3PL operators:

2. Country of head office:

3. Country of warehouses presence:

4. Services offered:

5. Contact details:

6. Company Description:

7. What it specializes in:

8. Total area of warehouses under management:

9. Number of employees:

10. Link to the website:

Adress: ul. Żwirki i Wigury 16a, Business Garden02-092 Warsaw, Poland

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